Hey, hey, hey PCYO!
It may seem like the rain won't stop, but let's look at the bright side. Los Angeles is taking a much-needed shower, everything is green and growing and YOU have plenty of time to stay cozy indoors practicing your instrument!
I have plenty of time to catch up on our Rock Star of the Week feature. So much time, that I am doing a double-edition, family style.
Drum roll, please...
The Rock Stars of the Week are...Bailey & Mackenzie Equite!
The talented duo are close in age, (Bailey is 11 and Mackenzie is 10) but they're light years apart in taste. Let's take Bailey for instance. He's got classic taste, a real gentleman in the making. His favorite musician is
Duke Ellington and claims this jazz / swing legend is what inspired him to play music. Much like
Ellington's music, Bailey prefers to play the piano and trumpet. He has such a strong sense of past, that if PCYO perform one song together, he would want it to be
The Star Spangled Banner.
Mackenzie on the other hand has a taste for the fun, pop-infused stylings of
Miley Cyrus, her very favorite musician. Mackenzie rocks the flute, and if PCYO could perform one song together, it would be
Where You Belong. Mackenzie's favorite song is the inspirational tune,
Something Far Greater. But it looks like these siblings won't be invited to one another's ultimate dinner party! We asked each of them to name the top five people they would invite to dinner, and here are the results:
Bailey's guest list: Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Justin Timberlake and Abe Lincoln
Looks like Bailey has a strong sense of family! He'd invite his parents even if he does eat with them every night. Question: Could Honest Abe convince JT to rock a vintage colonial beard?
Mackenzie's guest list:
Harriet Tubman, George Washington, Duke Ellington, Justin Timberlake and Miley Cyrus
Wow, Mackenzie's a fan of Mr. Ellington too? Must be a family thing! I smell a musical collaboration. How would it sound if JT, Miley and Duke Ellington decided to make a song together? Perhaps our first president (Mr. Washington) and Ms. Tubman (historic abolitionist and forerunner of
The Underground Railroad) could engage these rockers in a heated political debate. Wish I could be a fly on the wall for that one!
Until next time, remember all things good about the rain and keep practicing!
Love and Music,