Saturday, August 14, 2010

Summer 2010 Concert

"Be a light and shine," they advised. And PCYO did. They were lights. And they shone. Tears!

I had the privilege of catching the summer concert this Friday, where students and instructors showed off their hard work. Making their parents proud and their minds sharper, the kids blew me away.

To see the concert photos I took when I wasn't staring proudly with my mouth dropped open, click HERE!

Love & music,

Below photo: Camille & Robert preparing for band camp
at the Regan Cabin

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Are you excited? You should be. You will be collaborating on a song that's a smash hit on the airwaves. But I won't spill it - you'll have to wait for it.

Speaking of waiting, a few of you still have instruments and need to return them. Please remember that PCYO works on donations, and most of those instruments were donated by people who wanted to make a difference in kids' lives. Your contribution/return will help pave the way for a new kid eager to be exposed to the arts and learn how to play. Please swing by with your instrument any time next week! Pretty please?

In the meantime, please enjoy this newsletter that Rosa and her sons created last year around Summer Camp time.