Monday, January 25, 2010

A PCYO Night Out

What happens when you keep practicing your instrument? You get to perform on stage or in the orchestra for a delighted audience. Last week, we got to be part of a delighted audience! It was a big PCYO night out for Camille, Robert, Safoa, Daniel, Bethany and friends. A famous supermodel even tagged along! She's in the middle. Isn't she beeeeeeaaaautiful?

PCYO instructors had a night on the town to see The Mikado at the Luckman Fine Arts Complex. Does the gentleman in the below photo look familiar? That's because you've seen him around campus on Saturdays - he rehearses for his mindblowing and stupendous shows just down the hall. It's the infamous Richard Sheldon!

PS) Don't forget, bring along your family and friends to PCYO for open enrollment. They're taking new students until February 6th!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Welcome Back PCYO!

Well, well, well. Look who's back! The same gaggle of Rock Stars, and then some. Speaking of the "and then somes"...

Tell one, tell all, we are still enrolling new PCYO students for this season until February 6th.

That's right, tell your friends, tell your cousins, but PLEASE don't tell the Cafeteria Lady. We are taking new PCYO Rock Stars until February 6th!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thank you Juana!

A Poem for Juana

You fetch us food
You teach our classes
A patient saint
Sweet as molasses

You donate precious
To fixing problems
in every way

A million thanks
For being there
We promise to practice
To show we care!

Note to students: Pay very close attention to the last stanza and remember your promise!

See you on January 16th - the first Saturday of the all-new 2010 season!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year PCYO!

Happy New Year PCYO! For all you music lovers, there are bands bringing in the New Year in Times Square, jazz clubs, big galas and Hollywood parties. These classy folks bring cheer to partygoers all around the world. One day you could be dressed in a sharp suit or dress, spreading cheer with your heart-stopping sounds!

We look forward to a fresh new start in 2010, and we can't wait to see you on January 16th, the first Saturday of the new season. See you there!