Saturday, November 12, 2011

Summer Concert Photos!

Bon jour PCYO!

It's been a while since these photos were taken, but better late than never, right? I hear the summer concert was one of the best performances on record - and I am still kicking myself that I had to miss it. As you probably know, kicking yourself is quite difficult. Your foot can't really reach your butt or your shins - two of the most popular places to kick.

Once again, the Franchot family took pictures so great, it makes my photos look like they were taken with a disposable camera. Underwater. But like, not with a waterproof camera.

Thank you Franchot family!

Mr. Robert sure is busy with school, but he misses each and every one of you. He hopes you are practicing, and says hello to all of his little rock stars. Maybe you will see him at the Christmas concert!

Love and music,


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Merci Lisa Franchot!

The Fracnhot family submitted such great photos of the Spring 2011 concert, that my photos look like they were taken with a dollar store disposable camera that an elephant sat on!

Check out the Photos a la Franchot right HERE.


And while I'm here, this is a friendly reminder that PCYO Band Camp is August 15th-19th. Those who haven't signed up should, unless they like watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reruns at home while eating stale Funyuns. Ugh.

See you then, rock stars!

Love & music,

Monday, May 30, 2011

In a Galaxy Far Far Away...

Well, far far away if there's traffic. PCYO held their Spring Concert and blew everyone away with their solos, jazz pieces, pop songs and grand finale with the Star Wars theme!

OK so I forgot wear pumpernickel bagels on my ears to look like Princess Leia - but let's face it - I'm no Princess Leia. So I dressed up this puppy instead. Great job, PCYO!

I've got the concert photos RIGHT HERE!

...And don't forget, Summer Camp is August 15 - 19th!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

All Good Things

Happy New Year, PCYO!

I'm getting nothing but good news lately:

- The turnout this semester was GREAT!

- Rock stars Pepe and Justus are baaaaaack!

- The bowling trip last week was F-U-N!

- Raymond was honored for SERIOUS achievements as an Eagle Scout. If we get stuck in a natural disaster, I am calling him!!!

- And you guys get to play a STAR WARS song?!?!

No fair! Now I am wishing I played an instrument! I can't wait to see that one performed. I'll wear pumpernickel bagels on my ears to look like Princess Leia at the concert! Keep up the great work, and keep practicing!
