Man, were we bummed we couldn't meet last week! Thank goodness Saturday is just around the corner. Hope you've been practicing for the big concert.
Drumroll, please...
The Rock Star of the Week is...Patricia Orozco!
This PCYO flute player has vintage taste, because she loves The Beatles! She thinks they rock, and I'd have to agree. Her all-time favorite song is Hey Jude, and if she could choose any song for PCYO to perform at a concert, it would be, Let it Be. Patricia likes to stick to the classics!
If she were to have any five people over for dinner, she would choose The Beatles and her parents. But...uh oh! Wait, there are four Beatles and two parents, making a total of (who knows their math?) six! Someone will have to get kicked off the table. Will it be Mom, Dad, or Ringo?
Check out her ultimate PCYO concert song, Let it Be:
Did You Know?
Beatle Paul McCartney (singer of Let it Be) has a daughter named Stella who's a cutting-edge fashion designer! Check her out right here: http://www.stellamccartney.com/
Don't forget to blog your answer for last week's trivia question in order to take home a brand new Hollywood tee shirt!
Now go and practice, practice, practice. See ya Saturday!
Love & Music,
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