What's up, PCYO?
The new Rock Star of the Week will be announced this weekend, but until then, we have a spotlight on...
Wait! Drum roll, please...Robert Regan!
Because sometimes the old people, er, I mean, the instructors, should share the limelight for all their work. Besides, wouldn't you be jealous if you couldn't be a rock star? I set up a little interview with the goofy tall guy. Check it out below!
Q: Is it true you love to eat Bugles and kimchee?
A: Oh yes, delicious. And once when I was 12, I ate chicken noodle soup with gummy bears.
Q: How was it?
A: It was the most disgusting thing I ever had.
Q: What's your most embarrassing moment?
A: When over half of PCYO came to rehearsal without their practice sheets!
Q: Kids, you heard it here first! What's your favorite color?
A: Blue!
Q: Why?
A: Because blue is the color of blood.
Q: That's true, oxygen makes your blood turn red.
A: That's why your veins are blue. Ahhh, veins are beautiful.
Q: Stop. You're scaring me. Who's your favorite composer?
A: First Camille Barnes-
Q: Aww...
A: Then Bach.
Speaking of Bach, there's no rehearsal this weekend, but on November 15th, Robert and rehearsal will BE BACH!
Love & Music,
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